333D10E8DAE51A22140C718EE294C17FFEFA61F72A3200F6C09B1751D6A53DF9 gb4tCG Euler Finance Suffers Flash Loan Attack, Loses Millions in Multiple Cryptocurrencies

Euler Finance Suffers Flash Loan Attack, Loses Millions in Multiple Cryptocurrencies

Euler Finance, an Ethereum-based noncustodial lending protocol, suffered a flash loan attack on March 13, resulting in the loss of millions in Dai, USD Coin, staked Ether, and wrapped Bitcoin. The attacker stole nearly $196 million in multiple transactions, making it the largest hack of 2023. On-chain data indicates that the attack is related to a deflation attack that occurred one month ago, and the attacker used a multichain bridge to transfer funds from the Binance Smart Chain to Ethereum. (Read More)

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